We performed an aquatic invasive species (AIS) and native aquatic plant species survey for Horseshoe Pond, in Franklin County on August 8th-9th 2022. This survey was completed in preparation for The Horseshoe Pond – Deer River Flow Association applying to the Adirondack Park Agency for a permit to use the herbicide ProcellaCOR EC for the control of an aquatic pest (AQV). This survey was completed in accordance with all of the required parameters of the linked application requirements: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kn7c043b53k7wns/SIR-AquaticHerbicides.pdf?dl=0
The Horseshoe Pond – Deer River Flow Association is planning to apply for a permit to use ProcellaCOR EC in 2023 to manage Eurasian watermilfoil. We performed the surveys, and created maps and data tables of the survey results per the requirements of the permit.
For more information on our qualifications and services, our Qualifications Packet can be accessed via this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2jc37h56z4jkb6i/Lake%20Surveys.pdf?dl=0
Adirondack Research was able to complete the following tasks as part of this project:
- Survey 111 stations in the entirety of the 51-acre waterbody over two days with two crew members using a single company owned canoe.
- Survey, identify, and photograph all native plant species at point intercept survey stations within a survey design to meet Adirondack Park Agency requirements for applying for the use of the herbicide ProcellaCOR EC.
- Draft maps showing survey locations, overall plant abundance, species richness, and abundance for each of the 18 species recorded, in GIS.
- Create tables displaying: station number, GPS coordinates, depth, species richness, and abundance of the target species; abundance of each species at all stations; the total count of station numbers each species is found, including overall percentages; and susceptibility of each species to herbicide ProcellaCOR EC.
- Detailed descriptions of all eighteen species including information of the impacts of each species on their environment.
- Produced this report of the described survey effort.