The purpose of this monitoring effort was to fully inspect and survey the areas of the lake
that are most at risk to invasive species establishment. By carrying out these surveys the
crews ensured that the waterbody is currently free of invasive species. Our crew also
collected generalized data on native species presence on the waterbody. In the case that
any invasive species was found our crew would have mapped out any and all invasive plant
Rainbow Lake and the Rainbow Lake Narrows are free from aquatic invasive plants in the
areas we searched.
The maps included in this report has been created using publicly accessible data showing
roads and lake boundary. When available, we also include publicly accessible bathymetry
data from the NYS DEC. If found, invasive plant beds are also shown on the included map.
Raw sonar data files from our survey can be supplied to you if requested. The dotted line
on the maps shows our survey path this year.